CM EUROPA STAMPI starts as a result of the experience gained in the mechanical sector by Mr. Agostino Cremonini. Since its beginning the business focuses on design and manufacturing of special tools for the HPDC process and injection moulds.
The Policy of CM EUROPA STAMPI aims for offering our Customers a product boasting the very latest die-casting and injection technology, as well as providing an optimum ratio regarding employed technology and required investment: in all a high standard of Customer service, competence and know-how, together with full flexibility thanks to our internal design department.
The market has answered to our policy with a growing consent allowing C.M. Europa Stampi to make its mark and increase sales, moving to Calderara di Reno in a new plant of 2800 m² where it was able to install extremely modern design and manufacturing technology such as: CAD software offering precision and detail and CNC machines, enabling dies and moulds of great complexity and quality to be produced, for presses of up to 3500 tons and overall weight of up to 35 tons.
CM EUROPA STAMPI gives utmost importance to the Quality Management, ensured by certificates of all incoming material, heat treatments, by the customer’s design approval as well as by several checks along the whole manufacturing process, including detailed measurement using DEA benches in the own measuring department.
The company earned the ISO 9001 certification, a major achievement guaranteeing a production process capable of supplying products and services that can meet the needs of an increasingly demanding market.
Witness to the reliability of CM EUROPA STAMPI are the many well-known customers in European industries who have chosen CM EUROPA STAMPI as their trusted supplier
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