
image-ufficio-tecnico-01-02►Tool design

  • design performance in close cooperation between the Customer and our own technical department
  • properly use of 2D, 3D and 3D-solids software, with extensive possibilities for interfacing with all commonly used CAD systems
  • full 3D construction as source for NC machining and CAM
  • integration of Customer’s specifications as well as any in-house standards for tool components and materials.
  • stepwise development of our tool design, starting with a preliminary layout aimed at defining the main elements of the tool concept and submitted to the Customer for a first approval
  • validation by the customer for generic die mechanical parts and impression area before manufacturing
  • wide range of flexibility in order to include modifications and improvements into die design at any time
  • long term experience with ingate and venting design, also available as complete shot model for filling simulation

image-ufficio-tecnico-03-04►Cast-part Engineering

  • incoming data regularly submitted to a 2D/3D comparison to ensure 100% concordance in execution.
  • 3D model comparison with modification report
  • machining allowance check supplied as standard rule
  • possible design start-up from just “preliminary” product information.
  • parting line analysis and suggestion to get the cast-part suitable for HPDC technology
  • technical feedback regarding Customer’s changes, with presentation regarding feasibility and proposals included since our offering

image-ufficio-tecnico-05►Quality in design

  • High quality in design ensured by an accurate revision management to keep track of each engineering change
  • Readily design updates in 1:1 status with the real tool
  • Design and production control by self-checking procedures and partial validation procedures for the die
  • 10 years storage of all related documents after project sign-off date